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Voting links:

Questions about voting? Call the League of Women Voters of New Jersey toll-free voter hotline 800-792-VOTE (8683)

Voting Matters

All you need to know about voting is available to download and share. Contact LWVMonmouth@gmail.com to arrange for a presentation for your organization, free of charge.

Click on the slide above for the Voting Matters presentation slides. Click here fora narrated presentation of the slideshow.

Member-suggested websites and more

Occasionally, our members recommend non-partisan websites, events, and resources that they believe are consistent with League goals and values and might be of interest to others. These suggestions are not vetted or endorsed by the League, but we offer the list for your consideration:

Voting Information From The County Clerk

The Election Division of the Monmouth County Clerk's office has a website with helpful information about how to register, where to vote, election results, voting by mail, and many more topics, including how to contact the office for further information or answers to questions. Also available are any forms necessary, with details on where to send them.

You can find it all here.